Read the Bible With Us

Fall 2024 Class | The Disciples' Faith

In an age of uncertainty, it's crucial to be certain of what we believe as disciples of Jesus. Join us for an eight-week journey into the Apostles' Creed. Discover its profound significance, historical roots and engage with timeless truths that shape our faith. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding and connection to the Christian faith. RSVP to secure your place today! It is our hope that keeping the faith (2 Tim 4:7) will help us to continue to grow in the knowledge of God and bear fruit for the future.

September 9-October 28 (8 Weeks)
Dinner (Chick-fil-a) and childcare (babies-fifth graders) is provided.

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Because of your tithes and offerings, we are able to provide you with a basic theological education for free. If you would like to make a gift on top of your regular tithes and offerings you can give to our general fund here.

Dinner and Childcare Taken Care of

Since class is on Monday evenings, we have made to where you can come straight from work and we'll have a hot meal ready for you and your family. We also have a kids program for your children while you're in class.

A Welcoming Community

Seminary classes give you the opportunity to meet new people. Our table discussions enhance the learning experience. And seminary classes are a great way to connect to a new CG or DGroup. 

Challenging Content

Our classes are for anyone and fit a variety of learning styles. We try to provide you with challenging, robust, engaging, yet non-intimidating content that will make you stronger in your faith and witness. 

Do you have any questions about the classes?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you.