Gather a group of 3-5 people of your same sex for a purposeful time of discussing God's word, prayer, and accountability.
Meet weekly or bi-weekly
for 1-2 years
Find a consistent time and place to meet together for one year or two. Don't miss or reschedule. Make this a priority.
Let the Bible
be your curriculum
Books are great, but the Bible is the best. Make this the focus of your time together. If you want to read a book too, great! Supplement the Bible.
Divide your group
to start a new group
I know you love each other, but other people need to be discipled too. Go into this group knowing that it will need to split for new groups to form.
Some Helpful Resources
Gentle and Lowly
"Christians know what Jesus has done...but who is he? What is his deepest heart for his people, weary and faltering on their journey toward heaven?" REQUEST A FREE COPY.
You're Not Crazy
"As recipients of the grace of Jesus, how can [we] then see that grace express itself outwardly—shaping church, ministry, and relationships?" LISTEN NOW.
Gospel Transformation Study Bible
"The ESV GTSB gets to the gospel root of every chapter of Scripture, helping readers understand how grace flourishes in...Jesus Christ. REQUEST A FREE COPY.
12 Gospel Passages to Soak In
"Mere truth won’t do it. Our souls desperately need the gospel. 'The grace of God in truth' (Colossians 1:6) is the shock that brings a dead..." READ MORE.