Daniel Hancock
Lead Pastor & Staff Elder
Husband to Erica, father of three (Jacob, Brandt, & Karlee), hitter of golfballs & and feeder of people, Daniel is a teacher of the word and counselor to many. Daniel has been with C3 since November of 2010 and hopes that she will be a church always on mission - loving God, loving people, and talking about Jesus.

John Rogers
Executive Pastor & Staff Elder
Husband to Chassidy, father of two (Sophia & Josiah), maker of puns, resident goofball, leader of spiritual education, and a lover of the Lord. John has been with C3 since its birth in 2010 and hopes that God will continue to use it as an avenue to make disciples of Jesus.

Sarah Jones
Associate Groups Minister: Kids and Youth
Wife to Justin, mom of plants and pups, thrifter, enjoyer of video games, Criswell College Grad and wearer of sleeves of art. Sarah is excited to have deep conversations with the women of C3 and keep and care for their souls, schedule every volunteer, and make muliti-generational connections between the people of God. She has been on C3 staff since 2021 and hopes that this church will help the Kingdom of God grow and that people's love for their King would deepen.

Trent Brown
Associate Groups Minister: Local and Global Missions
Husband to Natalie, father of two (Meaghan & Brandon) newly minted grandfather to one (Mack). Avid concert goer and holder of fishing poles (not usually at the same time), Trent coaches sports and is the Campus pastor & Family Ministries Director at WPA. He has been on staff at C3 since 2023, and his hope for this church is that it will hold fast to the truth, beauty and goodness of who God is; spurring us on to share those very things both locally and globally.

Tyler Williams
Worship Leader
Husband to Kayse, father of two (Rosie & Max), over thinker in the best possible way, eater of as many tacos as he can, sports enthusiast, singer/songwriter. He has been on staff more or less since 2014. Tyler just hopes that people will sing with him on a Sunday morning.
Scott Birdsong
Technical Director
Husband to Brooke, father of four (Maddie, Kailee, Jack & Stella), Scott is literally made of wires, microphones, and screens. His technical direction knows no bounds. He has been with C3 since 2012 and his hope for C3 is to continue to experience Jesus' love and give it to those that haven't.

Bobby Floyd
Grounds & Building Maintenance
Husband to Lindsey, father to twins (Aubrey & Asher), bonker of shingles, project manager, & maker of green beans in the red crockpot; Bobby has been very busy serving this church in a myriad of ways and is just finally getting paid for it. Member since 2013 and on staff since 2023, Bobby hopes that C3 will have people that Grow in the Knowledge of God and Bear Fruit.
Erica Hancock
Assistant to Missions and Groups Ministries
Wife to Daniel, mom of three (Jacob, Brandt, & Karlee), organization expert, lover of post-it notes, thrift/antique shopper and player of very heated family Phase 10 card games. Erica's hope for C3 is that we don't just attend church, but we go out and be the church, expressing joy and showing love through serving others.

Chassidy Rogers
Assistant to Worship and Groups Ministries
Wife to John, mom of two (Sophia and Josiah), singer, educator, editor and lifelong learner. Chassidy's been at C3 since she was just a little church plant. Chassidy's hope for C3 is that we would fulfill our calling, as the church of the living God, to be a pillar and buttress of the truth. (1 Tim. 3:15)

Kenneth Rwego
Missionary to Africa
Husband to Abigail, father of four (Keren, Keziah, Kenan, Keilah, and Kelsa), Kenneth is our full-time missionary and God's ambassador primarily to Central Africa. Check out Kenneth's ministry at Edenmission.org
Jennifer Edwards
Hospitality & Caretaker
The craftiest queen of Keto treats & kindness, Jennifer leads our very spiritual coffee and donut ministry and keeps our church spick and span. You can find her serving behind the coffee bar almost every Sunday with the literal Joy of the Lord.
Lay Elders
Brian Houghton
Brian is a manager of a printing company. He is married to Tammy and has been an elder since 2014.
David Sweeney
David is an auto mechanic teacher. He is married to Pamela and has been an elder since 2015.
Sam Paulling
Sam is an engineer. He is married to Hannah and has been an elder since 2019.

Kyle Caperton
Kyle is a CPA. He is married to Elizabeth and has been an elder since 2024.

Casey Norton
Casey is an insurance manager. He is married to Dayna and has been an elder since 2024.