December 31st, 2024
Less scroll. More Scroll.
by John Rogers
Imagine walking through the hallways of a school. Classes are currently in session and as you walk by one of the classrooms, you hear something that grabs your attention. The door is open so stopping, you stand just outside the door to hear more.
What you hear starts to resonate with you. The message coming from inside begins to tug at your heartstrings and invite you in. Could this be just what you need to hear right now?
You peek inside. Inside you see your friends. You see Tony and Steven, Natasha and Bruce, Witt and Wooten, and even Josh and Donna. They seem to like the message. They appear to be subscribers. Josh has even shared what he has just heard. Maybe there’s truth here, you think to yourself. Before you know it you’re stepping inside to take a seat with the rest of the class.
What hallways are you strolling? Better yet, what hallways are you scrolling? As we begin a new year, it would serve us well to stop and evaluate our habits of information intake.
Psalm 1:1 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, not sits in the seat of scoffers” (notice the all too familiar progression). “Happy,” the Psalmist says, “are those who don’t stroll, or scroll, along the halls of the godless within ear-shot of their blasphemy and slander.” “Happy are those who do not stop and stay a while to give their senses to such senselessness.” “Happy are those who,” as Eugene Peterson translated, “don’t hang out at Sin Saloon…or slink along Dead-End Road…or go to Smart-Mouth College.”
But happy, or blessed, are those whose delight is in the teaching of the LORD. Happy are those who meditate on it day and night.
It is only the teaching of the LORD that is perfect, Psalm 19 says. It is only the teaching of the LORD that revives the soul, makes us wise, and enlightens our heart. The word of the LORD is true and altogether righteous. It is to be desired more than fine gold and sweet honey because it is finer and sweeter. The word of the LORD warns us and in sitting under its influence there is much reward.”
For those who let the word of the LORD speak to them day and night (who plant themselves in the word), Psalm 1 says, will be “like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season. Its leaf [will] not wither and in all that [they do, they will prosper].
The wicked, on the other hand, are as empty and air-headed like chaff. They will be continually driven by the ever shifting winds of false doctrine and in the end they will not stand in the judgement or in the congregation of the righteous.
We need truth this year. The coming of Christ is drawing too near for us to devote ourselves to trends. We need Him. So may we be like the Acts 2 church who devote themselves to less scroll and more Scroll. Who devoted themselves to the truth of God’s word through the apostles' teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Let awe come upon every soul, and let there be unity. Let us be a generous people, daily worshipping the Lord. And let us break bread in our homes, receiving food with glad and generous hearts. Let us praise God and have favor with all the people. And let the Lord add to our number day by day those who are being saved. (See Acts 2:42-47 ESV).
These articles supplement our church wide reading plan. To read the bible with us click here.
What you hear starts to resonate with you. The message coming from inside begins to tug at your heartstrings and invite you in. Could this be just what you need to hear right now?
You peek inside. Inside you see your friends. You see Tony and Steven, Natasha and Bruce, Witt and Wooten, and even Josh and Donna. They seem to like the message. They appear to be subscribers. Josh has even shared what he has just heard. Maybe there’s truth here, you think to yourself. Before you know it you’re stepping inside to take a seat with the rest of the class.
What hallways are you strolling? Better yet, what hallways are you scrolling? As we begin a new year, it would serve us well to stop and evaluate our habits of information intake.
Psalm 1:1 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, not sits in the seat of scoffers” (notice the all too familiar progression). “Happy,” the Psalmist says, “are those who don’t stroll, or scroll, along the halls of the godless within ear-shot of their blasphemy and slander.” “Happy are those who do not stop and stay a while to give their senses to such senselessness.” “Happy are those who,” as Eugene Peterson translated, “don’t hang out at Sin Saloon…or slink along Dead-End Road…or go to Smart-Mouth College.”
But happy, or blessed, are those whose delight is in the teaching of the LORD. Happy are those who meditate on it day and night.
It is only the teaching of the LORD that is perfect, Psalm 19 says. It is only the teaching of the LORD that revives the soul, makes us wise, and enlightens our heart. The word of the LORD is true and altogether righteous. It is to be desired more than fine gold and sweet honey because it is finer and sweeter. The word of the LORD warns us and in sitting under its influence there is much reward.”
For those who let the word of the LORD speak to them day and night (who plant themselves in the word), Psalm 1 says, will be “like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season. Its leaf [will] not wither and in all that [they do, they will prosper].
The wicked, on the other hand, are as empty and air-headed like chaff. They will be continually driven by the ever shifting winds of false doctrine and in the end they will not stand in the judgement or in the congregation of the righteous.
We need truth this year. The coming of Christ is drawing too near for us to devote ourselves to trends. We need Him. So may we be like the Acts 2 church who devote themselves to less scroll and more Scroll. Who devoted themselves to the truth of God’s word through the apostles' teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Let awe come upon every soul, and let there be unity. Let us be a generous people, daily worshipping the Lord. And let us break bread in our homes, receiving food with glad and generous hearts. Let us praise God and have favor with all the people. And let the Lord add to our number day by day those who are being saved. (See Acts 2:42-47 ESV).
These articles supplement our church wide reading plan. To read the bible with us click here.
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