Read the Bible With Us

What God Can Do With Your Five and Two

What God Can Do With Your Five and Two

by Trent Brown

Did you know that, aside from the resurrection, the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 is the only story recorded in all four Gospels? (Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:31–44; Luke 9:12–17; John 6:1–14).

I’m sure you’re familiar with the story, but what I love most about it is the hope it offers. There’s something powerful about what happens when we give all that we have to God—how He is able to do something far greater than we could have imagined.

The disciples asked Jesus to send the crowds away so they could find lodging and food since they were in such a desolate place. What they didn’t realize was that Jesus was about to perform a miracle for all of them. Instead of dismissing the people, He told the disciples, “You give them something to eat.” Their response? “We have only five loaves of bread and two fish.” Yet, instead of seeing scarcity, Jesus saw an opportunity.

He instructed the people to sit in groups, and I can’t help but wonder—if I had been one of those disciples, would I have questioned what was about to happen? Regardless, they obeyed. As the people sat in groups of about 50, Jesus took the loaves and fish, blessed them, and broke them. Then, He handed them to the disciples to distribute.

Scripture tells us that everyone ate and was satisfied. Not only that, but there were leftovers—twelve baskets full.

For years, I have challenged myself and others with this simple truth: when we surrender everything, no matter how small, into His hands, He can do mighty things. You may not be called to feed thousands of people physically, but each of us has a calling to nourish those around us with the Word. Are you willing to give all that you have, trusting that in His hands, it can be used in ways beyond what we can see?

In the grander scheme of things, our five and two is simply our lives, offered to Him. But if we look deeper, it could also be the specific talents or gifts He has given each of us—things that, when surrendered to Him, can be multiplied for His glory.

Just imagine—what could He do with all that you have and all that you are? What if, even though it seems small, His blessing allowed it to “feed” those around you in ways that leave them truly satisfied?

So, I’ll ask again: What is your “five and two”?

These articles supplement our church wide reading plan. To read the bible with us click here.

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